Gator's Gotta Go
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
VERSE1: Gator’s gotta go – GOODBYE
Shark cannot park – SO LONG
Gator’s gotta go – MAKE TRACKS
Shark cannot park – SET SAIL
Gator’s gotta go – TODDLES
Shark cannot park – TA TA
HIGH TAIL IT out of here
VERSE 2: Gator’s gotta go – AU REVOIR
Shark cannot park – BON VOYAGE
Gator’s gotta go – NAMASTE
Shark cannot park – HOSCAKAL
Gator’s gotta go – ADIOS
Shark cannot park – CIA PESCAO
ALOHA (ha), Aloha-ha
ALOHA (ha), Aloha-ha
ALOHA (ha), Aloha-ha
ALOHA (ha), Aloha-ha
Gimme Back My Binky
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter
©2024 by Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Everyone On Board
CHORUS : Gimme back My Binky, my Buccaneer Binky
I don’t like it, when you swipe it – gimme back My Binky
My Binky is my friend, my pacifying friend
A friend on who I can depend
My Binky’s been with me, it’s always been with me
It’s been with me since I came to be
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme – gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme – gimme, gimme, gimme
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme – gimme, gimme … back My Binky
My Binky is my friend, my pacifying friend
A friend on who I can depend
“More cowbell”
Give Me an RRR!
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2010 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album “Give Me an RRR!”
Give me an RRR! Give me a second RRR!
Give me a third non-traditional, unconditional,
Unmitigated, unregulated, tax-free RRR!
RRR you ready?!
What’s a Pirate’s favorite letter in the alphabet? RRR!
What does a Pirate say instead of a compliment? RRR!
How does a Pirate greet the Captain or First Mate? RRR!
What do Pirates say when they’re running late? RRR!
Give me an RRR! Gotta give me an RRR!
These are words that end with the RRR sound…
Pirates navigate by the North… StaRRR!
Pirates drink their grog from an old fruit… jaRRR!
Pirates in a fight often get a… scaRRR
Pirates like their feathers mixed with… taRRR!
Give me an RRR! Gotta give me an RRR!
These are words that start with the RRR sound and are part of a rhyme…
What’s a Pirate’s favorite vegetable joke?
Why me blokes it must be RRR-ti-choke (artichoke)
Where is all the Pirate pinball played?
Why me Mates it’s in a Pirate RRR-cade (arcade)
Where are all the Pirate Ballerinas?
Why me Hearties they’re in RRR-gen-tina (Argentina)
Where do all the Pirates like to scuba?
Why me Land Lubbers its’ down in RRR-ruba (Aruba)
Give me an RRR! Gotta give me an RRR!
Happy Captain
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2020 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Captains and Sea Monsters
1 for the Captain, 1 for the Crew, 1-2-3-4
What’s hap’nin’ Happy Captain
What’s hap’nin’, what’s hap’nin’
What’s hap’nin’ Happy Captain
Happy, Happy Captain
CHORUS: I’m a Happy Captain, I know you know I am
I’m a Happy Captain, as happy as a clam
VERSE: The sea is blue, the sky is too
There’s not a cloud in view
And all y’ mates are really great
And yer a Happy Crew and…
1 for the Captain, 1 for the Crew
1-2-3 for me and you
1 for the red and 1 for the blue
1-2-3 for me and you
1 for the classic, 1 for the new
1-2-3 for me and you
And 1 for the Captain, 1 for the Crew
1-2-3 for me and you
What’s hap’nin’ Happy Captain
Happy, Happy… I’m a Happy Captain
Hook Me Up
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2016 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album The Flying Pirate Circus
Hook me up – Pirate Pound and Parrot Wings
Hook me up – a Jelly Five is a jolly thing
Hook me up – Ship Shake Shimmy and a Ship Shake Swing
Look down low, give me some soul
Shake your booty, Tutti Frutti, here we go!
Hook me up – Pirate Pound and Parrot Wings
Hook me up – a Jelly Five is a jolly thing
Hook me up – Ship Shake Shimmy and a Ship Shake Swing
Look down low, give me some soul
Shake your booty, Tutti Frutti, here we go!
In a book I like to look up
A space to move my rook up
And a chef who likes to cook up…
Lots of FUN – for EVERYONE!
Hook me up – Pirate Pound and Parrot Wings
Hook me up – a Jelly Five is a jolly thing
Hook me up – Ship Shake Shimmy and a Ship Shake Swing
Look down low, give me some soul
Shake your booty, Tutti Frutti, here we go!
Hook me up – No Strings Dan
Hook me up – a boy named Sam
Hook me up – my friend Pam
Hook me up – thank you mam
Hook, hook, hook, hook, HOOK… ME UP!
Hungry Pirate
Trad. Music. Lyrics by Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2010 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album “Give Me an RRR!”
CHORUS: What shall we do with a Hungry Pirate
What shall we do with a Hungry Pirate
What shall we do with a Hungry Pirate
Err-lie (early) in the morning
Bring ‘im a bowl of Octopus Oatmeal
Bring ‘im a bowl of Octopus Oatmeal
Bring ‘im a bowl of Octopus Oatmeal
Err-lie (early) in the morning
Pile ‘is plate with Plankton Pancakes
Pile ‘is plate with Plankton Pancakes
Pile ‘is plate with Plankton Pancakes
Err-lie (early) in the morning
Serve ‘im a Stinky Shark Fin Sandwich
Serve ‘im a Stinky Shark Fin Sandwich
Serve ‘im a Stinky Shark Fin Sandwich
Err-lie (early) in the morning
Bake ‘im a Batch of Barnacle Biscuits
Bake ‘im a Batch of Barnacle Biscuits
Bake ‘im a Batch of Barnacle Biscuits
Err-lie (early) in the morning
Scoop ‘im a Scabbard of Swordfish Stew
Scoop ‘im a Scabbard of Swordfish Stew
Scoop ‘im a Scabbard of Swordfish Stew
Err-lie (early) in the morning
Pour ‘im a Pail of Whale Tail Gravy
Pour ‘im a Pail of Whale Tail Gravy
Pour ‘im a Pail of Whale Tail Gravy
Err-lie (early) in the morning
I Know You Pirates
Trad., Additional Lyrics & Music by Ronald Roy Carter
aka RRR Carter ©2023 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Everyone On Board
I know you Pirates, but do you Pirates know me?
I know you Pirates gonna miss me 1-2-3
I know you Pirates gonna miss me 1-2-3
Gonna miss your captain when I go out to sea
Wrote down some words in the Captain’s Log (scribblin’)
Wrote down some words in the Captain’s Log
Won’t be treated like a bilge rat or a scurvy dog
I know you Pirates, but do you Pirates know me?
Set out last night on a Treasure Quest (Yes!)
Set out last night on a Treasure Quest
With tales to take me where the weather’s best
Found myself a-standin’ on a Sailin’ Ship (the Friend Ship)
Found myself a-standin’ on a Sailin’ Ship
Headed for adventure on a Magic Trip
I know you Pirates, but do you Pirates know me?
I know you Pirates gonna miss me 1-2-3 (1-2-3, O-M-G!)
I know you Pirates gonna miss me 1-2-3
Gonna miss your captain…
… ‘cause I’ve… gone out… to sea
I Land On An Island
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2021 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Captains and Sea Monsters
It’s R to O and then to the C, to the K-I-N, apostrophe
All hands on deck!”
I land on an Island in the Caribbean Blue
I land on an Island and I’ve got me eye on you
Yo-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho
You can on the Yucatan on the Coast of the Spanish Main
You can on the Yucatan – get a tan in the Spanish Rain
I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer, I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer
I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer, scored a sword on board for a souvenir
Vibin’, we’re vibin’
I land on an Island in the Caribbean Blue
I land on an Island and I’ve got me eye on you
P-I-R-A-T-E, oo-wee
Take ya to Jamaica by the bay where Trade Winds blow
Take ya to Jamaica , stay a day and lay real low, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW
I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer, I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer
I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer, scored a sword on board for a souvenir
I land on an Island in the Caribbean Blue
I land on an Island and I’ve got me eye on you
1-2-3, O-M-G, V-I-P
I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer, I’m a Buccaneer, you’re a Privateer
I’m a Buccaneer… “I can be a Captain too!”
I land on an Island
Beep-beep-beep, boom-boom-boom
I land on an Island
A poop, a poop, a poop… BOO!
I land on an Island and I’ve got me eye on YOU!
I Lub Me Land Lubber
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2016 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album The Flying Pirate Circus
Dedicated to April Tuck
CHORUS: I lub me Land Lubber – she is so lub-ly
She won’t deny it – I’m her Pirate
Me Land Lubber lubs me
VERSE 1: She lubs the land, she lubs the shrubs
And every single tree
She lubs the sticks, three, four, five, six
And the Seven Seas
VERSE 2: She lubs the birds, she lubs the bugs
And a belfry full of bats
Herds of animals, reptiles, mammals
Scurvy Dogs and Cats
VERSE 3: She lubs the sky, she lubs the sun
The moon in all its phases
She lubs the stars near and far
And she sings their praises
Twinkling little stars like the notes on the guitars
Very First and Only Matey: “Lub you Friendly Pirate”
RRtFP: “Lub you too, Buccaneer Boo”
I'm The Friendly Pirate
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2010 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album “Give Me an RRR!”
CHORUS: I’m the Friendly Pirate – a patch above me eye
I’m the Friendly Pirate – an all around nice guy
Me Jolly Roger’s jolly, me parrot, she is Polly
I’ll dance a jig of joy when you wave ahoy
Alright me hearties, repeat after me:
Yo ho ho, ay hay hay, ah ha ha, ee hee hee
Walla Walla bing bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Onomatopoeia, sure glad to see ya
A-wop-bop-a-lu-bop, a-wop-bam-boom
A-yabba-dabba-do and Scooby Doo, ii-yii-yii-yii-yii
And for your very pleasure – a chest full of treasure
I’ll give you gold doubloons and shiny silver spoons
Once again me buckos, repeat after me:
Piggly Wiggly, googly moogly
Gitchee Gitchee Goomee, Mogul Mouse knew me
Gabba gabba hey, good golly Miss Molly
Goo-goo g’joob, I am the Walrus, wait a minute, I’m not the Walrus…
We’ll swim and swashbuckle, we’ll joke around and chuckle
I’ll make you walk the plank but only as a prank
Do you know why?
That’s right!
Itsy Bitsy Pirate
Trad. Music. Parody Lyrics by Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
Itsy Bitsy Pirate
Got on the Pirate Ship – HEY!
Stepped on a banana
Then the Pirate slipped – OH!
Out came the crew
And helped the Pirate up – HEY!
I don’t know the rest
‘cause I just made it up – OH!
Jiggin’ in the Riggin'
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2021 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Captains and Sea Monsters
CHORUS: Jiggin’ in the riggin’, dancin’ on the deck
Yankin’ on the anchor, Baby, check Baby, check
VERSE 1: Gotta go with the flow when you go with the show
Rig-a, jig-a, jig-a HEY, rig-a, jig-a, jig-a HO
When you roll with the sea and you rock with your roll
Rig-a, jig-a, jig-a HEY, rig-a, jig-a, jig-a HO
With the sole of your shoe and your heart and soul
Rig-a, jig-a, jig-a HEY, rig-a, jig-a, jig-a HO
VERSE 2: Twirl with Twiggy and bounce with Biggie
Jiggy, jiggy, riggy, jiggy, jiggy, riggy
Pop with Iggy and Stardust Ziggy
Jiggy, jiggy, riggy, jiggy, jiggy, riggy
Wig with Wiggy and Finnegan Figgy
Jiggy, jiggy, riggy, jiggy, jiggy, riggy
Jiggy, jiggy, riggy, jiggy, jiggy, riggy
“Ahoy Czech People”
Kid Captain
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter
©2024 by Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Everyone On Board
CHORUS: the Adventures of Kid the Captain and all the things he did
Adventures of Kid the Captain – Captain, Captain Kid
First, he me a monster rising from the sea
He said “it’s good to meet you, I hope that you like me” (hopefully)
Then he saw some Pirates, they said “you’ll pay the price”
But he won them over and taught them to be nice (really nice, awfully nice)
He tried to find the treasure, but it was hidden away
But he had lots of fun searching anyway (anchors aweigh)
At last, he sailed back to home to share the fun he had
And to tell all the tales to his mom and dad (Who’s your Mama, Who’s your Daddy)
Captain, Captain Kid, Captain, Captain Kid
The Kid Captain
Little Ditty
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
Here’s a little ditty wrote…
VERSE 1: This is a Little Ditty, a teenie, tiny song
A really silly chantey, won’t you sing along?
All ya hearty Pirates – Tortuga to Hong Kong
Me crazy, lazy Mateys, won’t you sing along?
CHORUS: Itty bitty Little Ditty, Pirate Ditty doo (ditto)
Itty bitty Little Ditty, P. Ditty too (ooh!)
Microscopic music, sub-atomic songs
Me Scientific Sailors, won’t you sing along?
Little did he know… little seeds need to grow
Little Ripples (Inspiration by April Tuck)
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter
© 2024 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Everyone On Board
CHORUS: Little Ripples – see them drifting away
Little Ripples – they’ve gone elsewhere to play
Little Ripples – but they’ll come back one day to you
Stand alone and skip a stone – hoping it will find a home
Watching where the water goes – roll up your pants and dip your toes
Help a man to understand – the river flows around a hand
Tell a friend you’ve got their back and then pick up the extra slack
Little Ripples…
Make a smile your favorite style – share it when you’re walking each mile
See reflections floating on by and then look up into the sky
Little Ripples…
Little Seashell
Lyrics By Rhea Ferris, and Music & Lyrics by Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter
©2024 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Everyone On Board
Mother is the ocean, Father is the sea
I’m a little seashell
Ouch! You stepped on me
Brother is the coffee, Sister is the tea
I’m a little seashell
Ouch! You stepped on me
Can’t you see, can’t you tell… I’m a little seashell
Another funky monkey and a chimpanzee
I’m a little seashell
Ouch! You stepped on me
Can’t you see, can’t you tell… I’m… a… little…
Seashell, seashell on the sand
Seashell, seashell in your hand
Seashell, seashell understand that I’m a little seashell
Mother is the ocean, Father is the sea
I’m a little seashell
Ouch! You stepped on me
Can’t you see, can’t you tell… I’m a seashell… ME
Magical Mermaid Parade
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
It’s a Magical Mermaid Parade
A Magical Mermaid Parade
They splash and they play, afloat on the spray
A sun-shiny day, it has been displayed
A Magical Mermaid Parade
Oh, they glide and they slide
They ride on a tide
Inside of a fantasy (Sea of Fantasy)
In a Magical Mermaid Parade
A Magical Mermaid Parade
They swim and they sway upon Moonlight Bay
A starfish bouquet, it has been arrayed
A Magical Mermaid Parade
Then ships with sails seek holy grails
They make for far off fairy tales
They look for love that never fails
Mariam, Megan, Melinda, Monique
Martha, Marcella Mabel, Marie
And musn’t forget Ethel Mermaid
A Magical Mermaid Parade
A Magical Mermaid Parade
Half-human, half-fish, they might grant your wish
Half-human, half-fish, they might grant your wish
A Magical Mermaid Parade
A Magical Mermaid Parade
A Magical Mermaid Parade
Making Waves
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2019 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Talk Like a Pirate
When you raise your hand “Hello” – you are making waves
With curtains rising on your show – you are making waves
When you’re splashing in the pool – you are making waves
And you’re acting really cool – you are making waves
Like the morning ocean waking – you are making waves
When your song sails ‘round the world – you are making waves
And your flag onstage unfurls – you are making waves
When your ship it carves the sea – you are making waves
In a scene that sets you free – you are making waves
Like the morning ocean waking – you are making waves
Waves are breaking – it’s breathtaking – you are making waves
When you bid them all “Good Night” – you are making waves
When your script reads “exit right” – you are making waves
Like the morning ocean waking – you are making… no mistaking… there’s no faking
You… are… making… waves
Me Aunties Sang Chanteys
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
Me Aunties sang chanteys and sea-farin’ songs
Me Aunties sang chanteys all the day long
From north of Cape Cod to the southernmost shore
Me Aunties sang chanteys of yore
Me Aunties sang chanteys of Pirates and Queens
Me Aunties sang chanteys of treasure and dreams
From the top of the mast to the tip of a sword
Me Aunties sang chanteys of lore
Me Aunties sang chanteys of creatures and things
Me Aunties sang chanteys of fish who had wings
An old Scurvy Dog once rode a seahorse
Me Aunties sang chanteys of course
Me Aunties sang chanteys of Mermaids and shells
Me Aunties sang chanteys and songs of themselves
There was Dot, Susan, Jade, and sweet Isadore
Me Aunties sang chanteys all four
Me Aunties sang chanteys and songs of the Deep
Me Aunties sang chanteys and rocked me to sleep
They stayed by my side till I started to snore
Then Me Aunties sang chanteys no more
Mother of Pearl
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
My sister is precious, a wonderful girl
My sister’s a gem, so she was named Pearl
And my sister’s mother, she knows what to do
And Mother of Pearl is my mother too
She unlocks the music with accordion keys
She pines for pineapples and tangerines
Her favorite colors are yellow and blue
And Mother of Pearl is my mother too
CHORUS: Her name is Penelope
She helped develop me
Her love will always envelop me
My mother’s a sister, her sister is Jade
They’re fun in the sun and made in the shade
And my mother’s mother is really quite grand
She is Persephone, toes in the sand
Oh my mother’s children, daughter and son
Love when she plays her accordion
She has a firm handle and a soft shoe
And Mother of Pearl is my mother too
My mother means more than silver and gold
She’s just too beautiful to behold
She’s a defender who’s tender and true
And Mother of Pearl is my mother too
Mother of Pearl (aka Penelope the Fruity Pirate)
Mud Puddle Pirates
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2016 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album The Flying Pirate Circus
Mud Puddle, Mud Puddle, Mud Puddle, MUD
CHORUS: Mud Puddle Pirates – Mud Puddle Sea
Mud Puddle Pirates – oo-la-wee
Mud Puddle Pirates – meant to be
Mud Puddle Pirates – you and me
VERSE 1: Such a soggy, dirty doggie
Buddy, you’re muddy like me
Get in a huddle beside a puddle
Up the middle with a fiddle-ee-dee
VERSE 2: Rubbin’ rain and dirt on your grubby shirt
A truly unruly uniform
Hey there Clancy, don’t get fancy
Dance in your pants that’re torn
A stick is a ship, a leaf is a sail
A pebble is a shark and a rock is a whale
And twigs are Pirates in this twisted tale
Muddy Waters, Rolling Stones… “love that Dirty Water”
Mud Puddle, Mud Puddle, Mud Puddle, MUD
Puddle MUD
Nine Lives of Lucky
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2019 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Talk Like a Pirate
CHORUS: The Nine Lives of Lucky – Lucky the Buccaneer Cat
The Nine Lives of Lucky – Lucky the Buccaneer Cat
The first life is for laughing and having lots of fun
The second is for learning about the moon and sun
The third life is for searching for your own reasons
The fourth is for exploring the glory of the seasons
The fifth life is for finding all five of your senses
The sixth is selecting past and present tenses
The seventh is for sharing with everyone around
The eighth is for enjoying the octaves making sound
The ninth life is for seeing and being who you are
9 times 2 is 18 – 18 mates of mine – and 1 plus 8 is nine
9 times 3 is 27 – serpents intertwined – 2 plus 7 is nine
9 times 4 is 36 – sailing ships in line – and 3 plus 6 is nine
9 times 5 is 45 – pirate flags a-flyin’ – and 4 plus 5 is nine
This game can go on and on, for a long, long time, with the number that is 9
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9!
And what do you think about that?
The Ocean Moans
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
A Whale sings and croons
In tune with a Fiddler Crab
The Ocean moans
Chewing stones into sand
Seagulls dine
At the Fine Seafood Restaurant
The Ocean moans
Chewing stones into sand
Swordfish fight
They are Knights of Poseidon
The Ocean moans
Chewing stones into sand
Seashell Carriage
For the Marriage of Starfish
The Ocean moans
Chewing stones into sand
One Eye On You
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter
©2024 by Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Everyone On Board
CHORUS: She’s got one eye on you – YOU
She’s got one eye on you – YOU
She’s got one eye on you, ‘cause the other one has a patch
Hide-n-seek on the High Seas
Or on an island in the palm trees
Quiet as a mouse hiding from a cat
Hiding below the hatch
Marco Polo by a murky pond
Buttercup you better abscond
Into the bilge with a bilge rat
In a barrel behind a batch
Blindman’s Bluff on a Buccaneer Ship
Slinking away and giving the slip
Hanging out like a bat
In the dark without a match
She’s got one eye on you – YOU
Oona Uni-hook
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter, additional lyrics by April Tuck © 2016 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album The Flying Pirate Circus
CHORUS: Oona, Oona, Oona, Oona, Oona Uni-hook
A pirate unicorn from a storybook
With a hook on her head and love in her look
Oona, Oona, Oona Uni-hook
Classmates, cousins, sisters, brothers
She’s not like all the others
She has such a unique feature
But the call her “freak of nature”
“Not nice”
Horses, zebras, donkeys, ponies
Make her feel so very lonely
She’s a horse of a different color
But they call her “dull and duller”
But she won’t let them roona (ruin ‘er)
She’d rather sail much soona (sooner)
On her pirate schoona (schooner)
To Algiers or to Altoona
“Oona, Oona, Oona, I fart glitter”
Parents, friends, coaches, teachers
Cheer for her from the bleachers
She is true and she is truthful
And they call her “BEAUTIFUL”
Pearl the Purple Pirate Princess
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2010 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album “Give Me an RRR!”
CHORUS: Pearl the Purple Pirate Princess
(I’m) She’s as happy as can be
Pearl the Purple Pirate Princess
Won’t you sail the seas with me
Her favorite color was red, or was it blue?
I guess she couldn’t choose
So, she mixed them up together
And got a purple hue
When she was a little girl
She wore her mother’s pearls
Now she wears those purple pearls
Around her neck around the world
On the beach she found a shell
With a tale or two to tell
If you listen carefully
You’ll hear the ocean rise and swell
Peggy the Peg-leg-osaurus
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2019 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Talk Like a Pirate
INTRO: Blue-green scales and a floppy tail
Head like a coconut, body like a whale
The ocean called, so Peggy set sail
FIRST VERSE: Three Legged Pirate Dinosaur
Almost tipped the ship when she stepped on board (Peggy)
Poundin’ around like a hammer of Thor’s
Three Legged Pirate Dinosaur
From Labrador to Ecuadoran Shores (Peggy)
From A to Z like the Azores
BRIDGE: With Tyrannosaurus RRR swabbin’ the decks
Pterodac-Trill in the Crow’s Nest
Bronto-Snorts – neck in neck
To see who can see the sea the best
Three Legged Pirate Dinosaur
Roars like a swarm in a thunderstorm (Peggy)
Loud as a crowd – a Heavy Metal Chorus
Three Legged Pirate Dinosaur
Three Legged Pirate Dinosaur (Peggy)
Three Legged Pirate Dinosaur
Peggy the Peg-leg-osaurus (Peggy) – hand ‘er a handy Thesaurus (what?)
Pirate Alphabet
Trad. Music. Parody Lyrics by Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2019 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Talk Like A Pirate
This song is dedicated to the crew of Treasures Child Care
A, B, C… hmm
A, B, C… hold on, I can’t get past the C (the sea… the sea… the sea…)
Andre, let’s try the Pirate Alphabet
Andre “OK”.
R, R, R, R, R, R, R
R, R, R, R, R, R, R
R, R, R,
R, R, R,
R, R, R, R, R, R, R
That’s the Pirate Alphabet
I think that’s a song I better forget
What song? What am I supposed to forget?
Pirate Birthday PaRRRty
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
CHORUS: A Pirate Birthday PaRRRty
Yo-ho-ho it’s true
A Jolly Roger Birthday
Dear Pirate (insert name) to you
Today you are the Captain
And we will be your crew
We’ll all stand at attention
When you come walking through – attention Captain’s on deck!
We’ll serve you cake with candles
You’ll blow each candle out
And everyone on board this ship
Will give a hearty shout – yo ho, hooray, hurrah, woo hoo!
We’ll fill your chest with treasure
With Birthday Cards and mail
We’ll fill this ship with laughter
Before we all set sail – ha, ha ha, ho, ho, ho…
A Pirate Birthday PaRRRty!
Pirate Grace O'Malley
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2019 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Talk Like a Pirate
You were born in 1530, or sometime thereabouts
Somewhere on Clare Island, the world first heard your shouts
You protected sheep and cattle from a hundred hungry eagles
Even as a young girl, you acted very regal
CHORUS: Pirate Queen (Pirate Queen) and Sea Raider (Sea Raider)
From a wild Irish place
The Dark Lady (The Dark Lady) of Duna (of Duna)
Called Bald Headed Grace
You sailed with Da from Clew Bay, he was Black Oak O’Malley
You captured ships near shores, those ocean going galleys
You held onto Hen’s Castle with an iron fisted grip
You birthed a babe at sea named Toby of the Ships
Algerian Corsairs – you fought bravely, men did see
And against that man named Bingham, your English enemy
You met once with her Highness, your hatches they were battened
You spoke a common tongue, which happened to be Latin
Oh, what is myth and what is missed when all the tales they are tallied
The history and mystery of Pirate Grace O’Malley
Pirate Party Pooper
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2019 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Talk Like a Pirate
CHORUS: Pirate Party Pooper
Pirate Party Pooper
Pirate Party Pooper
You say you are bored
With the ship and crew
With everything on board
You don’t know what to do (who knew?)
Flip yer frown upside down
Set a better course
Turn your ship around
Climb back on that horse (seahorse!)
BRIDGE: You were super duper
And really quite a trooper
But now you’re just a Pirate…
A Pirate Party Pooper
Let me help you out
I’ll throw you a line
That’s what life’s about
And you’re a mate o’ mine (Matey!)
Pirate Ship Show
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter
©2024 by Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
Single release
Are you ready for a show… a show on a Pirate Ship?
Are you ready for a show… a show on a Pirate Ship?
Are you ready for a show…
CHORUS: Pirate Ship Show, Pirate Ship Show, Pirate Ship… Show
Pirate Ship Show, Pirate Ship Show, Pirate Ship… Show
The Crew is setting out to sea, but nobody quite knows how
Just raise the anchor up – it’s time to all get down
The Cook baked a birthday cake, but forgot to bring the punch
We’re still gonna have some fun, ‘cause we’re a funny bunch
The Captain fumbles on a fiddle, the First Mate bangs on a drum
Dance to the tune and the beat – dum, de-dum-dum-dum
The Sailor showing her strength – juggling cannonballs
The Navigator makes us laugh as he slips and falls
Pirates and Privateers
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2010 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album “Give Me an RRR!”
CHORUS: Oh, Pirates and Privateers and scurvy Buccaneers
If you want to know their names, lend me your ears
Blackbeard was a Pirate filled with dark desire
He mixed his grog with gunpowder and lit his beard on… FIRE!
Sir Francis Drake was a Privateer, to Spain and in between
He had a Letter of the Marque from his English… QUEEN!
Captain Henry Morgan was a Buccaneer and then some
Once famous for his brutal raids, but now known for his… RUM!
Anne Bonny was a Pirate Woman as brave as anyone
So swift with a sword and handy with a gun
She said to Jack Rackham with words meant to flog
“If you’d fought like a man, you’d not be treated like a… DOG!”
Pirates in Outer Space
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2021 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Captains and Sea Monsters
We fly the Jolly Rocket
CHORUS: We’re Pirates in Outer Space
Out to save the Human Race
Totally on the case
We’re Pirates in Outer Space
VERSE 1: Our sailing ships are rocket ships
We like to visit Mars
Our Seven Seas are galaxies
We sail around the stars
VERSE 2: Our laser cannons are guarding earth
From any nasty droids
Our telescopes are keeping watch
On many asteroids
We fly the Jolly Rocket
We fly the Jolly Rocket
Got Moon Rocks in the pocket
Approaching Space Base 1
I think it’s time to dock it
Pirates of the Mayo
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
CHORUS: YANG-O, HASH-O, HASH-O, the Mayo Pirate motto
YANG-O, HASH-O, HASH-O, sung with some vibrato
But they’re not talking trash YO, just YANG-O, HASH-O, HASH-O
Aye, they’re Irish Pirates much like Grace O’Malley
Except that they are friendly and they dilly-dally
They like to eat, they love to drink, and sleep the day away-o
They’re on their SUS-HASH-I-PUP, Pirates of the Mayo
It’s MUM-A-TUT-E-YANG, you’re in this gangplank gang
With BUB-O-O-TUT-YANG, bingo, bongo, bang
They rhyme like ancient mariners, they yell and sing and say-o
Oh, we are MUM-A-YANG-O, Pirates of the Mayo
They have a secret code, a language all their own
‘H’ is HASH and ‘Y’ is YANG, and vowels are left alone
Consonants are doubled but with a ‘U’ between
It’s really not much trouble, if you know what I mean
They sail the SUS-E-A, their ship will rock and sway-o
So merrily they row, Pirates of the Mayo
But don’t ever call them sandwich spread
Or Matey YANG-O-U might end up… on the bread… ha ha
Pirates We Be
Trad. Music. Lyrics by Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2016 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album The Flying Pirate Circus
I will now share a chantey of Pirates at sea
With a hey-ho Pirates we be
Captain O’Malley, the Matey, and me
With you and the crew – Pirates we be
Pirates, Pirates we be
We climb in the rigging, we jump in the sea
With a hey-ho Pirates we be
Haul up the anchor, we’re finally free
For fun and for sun – Pirates we be
Pirates, Pirates we be
We play on an island beneath a palm tree
With a hey-ho Pirates we be
We build a sand castle then take time for tea
Raise up you cup – Pirates we be
Pirates, Pirates we be
We search for the treasure, we look for the key
With a hey-ho Pirates we be
X marks the spot most excellently
Won’t hurt to dig dirt – Pirates we be
Pirates, Pirates we be
With eyes to the spyglass and what do we see
With a hey-ho Pirates we be
Ships off the starboard one, two, and three
By golly they’re jolly – Pirates we be
Pirates, Pirates we be
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2010 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album “Give Me an RRR!”
If you’re spreading Pirate cheer and grinning from ear to ear
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
If smiling day and night with a sailor’s delight
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
Pira-TUDE! Ha ha!
If you’re rowing merrily and feeling very care free
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
If you’re happy-go-lucky and all your rows are so ducky
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
Pira-TUDE! Ha ha!
If you’re flying Roger Jolly and you’re preening just like Polly
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
If you’re sending friendly signals and leaving room to wiggle
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
RRR! me mateys, RRR me hearties, damsels and dudes
RRR ye in possession of Pira-TUDE?
Pira-TUDE! Ha ha!
If you feel like LOL and your ocean’s really swell
You’ve got Pira-TUDE!
Pira-TUDE! Ha ha!
Polly Esther Pants
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2013 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Pirate PaRRRty!
She repeats after me (“she repeats after me”)
My bird’s first name is Polly, a common parrot name
Her middle name is Esther, for that she can’t be blamed
Her last name it is Pants, a thread runs through this game
CHORUS: She’s Polly Esther Pants – that parrot likes to dance
She talks and squawks and then duck-walks, if given half a chance
She’s Polly Esther, Polly Esther Pants
I took my bird to dinner, she said put it on my bill
We climbed up in the crow’s nest, it gave her such a thrill
She says she wants to party like the birds in Brazil
Oh, by gosh, by golly, oh me, oh my, oh no
It’s Polly Wolly Doodle in a Jolly Roger show (“jolly good show”)
She’s Polly Esther Pants, Polly Esther, Polly Esther Pants
They’re birds of a feather, Polly and her friends
They’re preening on the scene those fashionista hens
On some days she wears diapers but I guess it just depends
She’s bird you can’t sequester
She is in her last semester
Polly Esther, Polly Esther Pants
“… thought I was a duck… walked around saying ‘Polly wanna quacker’”
Poop Deck Dance
By Ronald Roy Carter aka RRR Carter © 2021 Ronald Roy Carter, RRR Carter, RRR Sea Music
From the album Captains and Sea Monsters
CHORUS: Poop Deck Dance – dance – dance
Poop Deck Dance – dance – dance
Poop Deck Dance – dance – dance
You jump, you stoop, you go into a trance
A Poop, a Poop, a Poop Deck Dance
VERSE: Round up your Pirate Group
Like chickens in a coop
Then throw them for a loop
Like dunkin’ in a hoop
BRIDGE: The Poop Deck was the highest deck
On sailing ships of old
Near the back, Captain Jack
As sailors’ tales are told
”Beethoven’s Movement”